Monday, April 23, 2012


I think I'm still in a state of shock. I was able to ride a motorcycle! AND pass the driving test! Got to do the written one tonight, but the big shocker came when I put my feet on those pegs and it was me and that crazy, don't want to run right, Buell! Now, it's like I told my Momma, I ain't ready to get on I-540 for probably, like, ever! but I got on that thing and rode it! I now have a totally new respect for driving in general, and will be looking for motorcycles in a whole new way. 

I'm thinking that's how God deals with us sometimes too. He teaches us something new and then watches to see if we really get. That's what has been going on with me lately. I've learned so much these past two years, and now God is watching to see if I really learned the lesson. 

Do you ever have that happen to you? You learn something, understand the importance of it, only to be tempted to revert back to the good ole way of dealing with it. This has been my time to revert, but I've been so busy paying attention to how to ride a motorcycle, that I haven't had the time to respond in like manner. So just this morning I got it, so to speak.

See, I really can't help anybody. If you don't want to be helped, hear the truth or be changed, I just don't have much for you. Jesus is who changed my life. Not self-help books, even though I've read my share of them. Not friends or family, even though some have stood in the gap for me. When I did get help, I tried to tie it to a person, but the Godly ones knew and passed on the praise to the real healer. 

My thinking is we all need help, healing, and understanding. We need someone to show us the correct way to do something, and it always helps if they know more than we do. 

I have learned so much these past two years in Rogers that I would not, nor could not have learned anywhere else. I was brought into a unfamiliar place and it was nothing like I had expected. In thinking back, I was probably warned by spiritual mentors, but I was going to be different! I was different, so different that I really didn't required a second glance. This put me in a place spiritually where I needed to be to become a spiritual director, and grow into this person that I'm just now getting to see.

I'm more than I was two years ago, heck, I'm more than I was Saturday before I got on that Buell and rode! I know who has all the answers to the questions. It took me two years in exile to be able to hear the answers, but I'm hearing them now, and I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings in help, healing and understanding. The more I learn, the more He shows me. That's why this life is a marathon and not a sprint.          

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