Thursday, February 23, 2012


From an early age we are taught to celebrate our life and it all starts with our birthday! We half expect everyone to know it's our special day because we have a certain glow about us that comes from getting a year older, I guess! Now with Facebook, before I even got out of bed and got on the computer I had 31 birthday wishes. It's become so easy to be present in others lives without actually being there. I find that cool and sad all at the same time! 

I still believe that cards should come on your birthday, either by mail or hand. It's easy enough to count backwards so the thing shows up on time, or even early! We just don't take the time to be that personal anymore. I find that very sad.

So what do I do about it? I don't know, really what can you do about it? You hang on to the people close to you, you make a difference in their life and let them know they matter in yours. You take the time to do things that are important, while you can. I'm 50 today! That blows my mind on so many levels I get dizzy thinking about it. I've lived more life than I have left! I have deeper friendships than ever before and in all honesty, I'm really looking forward to the 50's. Someone said they were the new 30's and I have no idea what that means. I don't want to do the 30's again! The 40's were growth for me and I'm hoping to step out in a new and different way of being, in the 50's! 

We are leaving to go to Big Red Sir Cedar today and we have wounds to heal and plans to make. Life just keeps going. I have the privilege to be married to a man that spoils the breath out of me and I love it and him! I am becoming wiser with my years and know that's how God planned it. 

People matter, birthday's are but once a year, and life get's shorter the longer your around. Live the life God gave you with purpose and convection! Don't have reasons in your life to say your sorry, but when they come along, be the first to say it! Thanks for sharing in my life! Happy My Birthday to you!

1 comment:

redheadbeck said...

Happy 50th Birthday Kimba!!! And I sure hope your card gets to you today!!!! LOL!!!! Enjoy your retreat at the Big Red Sir Cedar!!!! Love you!