Saturday, January 5, 2013


Got out of the house last night for a little date night action for the first time since before Christmas, it felt strange! Not strange to be out on a date with Preacher man, but strange that I hadn't really been out of the house since it snowed, 12 inches... and we don't have the 4x4 unstoppable Ford Truck anymore! I'm not complaining mind you, I just miss it sometimes! We washed and vacuumed LilWhls the day before Christmas, and she is still sitting in the garage. All I got to say is come spring, the rubber will be hitting the road!!

I have come to some conclusions in the last few days and I'm going to admit some of them to you right now. 

Conclusion #1: God is all about restoration! He wants to restore us to Him and He wants us to be restored to each other. I looked it up and here's what I found: to bring back into existence, use, or the like; reestablish: to restore order. I also know that in order to be restored, sometimes it requires us to be vulnerable. My friend Leigh has helped me with this being vulnerable stuff. Can't say I'm a pro at it, but I'm getting it. I also looked that word up, and here's what I found: capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt. Anyone want to sign up for any of that? Well, I did today! I became vulnerable in order to be restored, and you know what? I cried a little and my voice got a little shaky, but I didn't die!! God Rocks!

Conclusion #2: While in seminary, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with this soon to be Preacher's wife. She has had a bazllion knee surgeries, 2 kids, been on Weight Watchers as many times as me and is an awesome writer of blogs. She has started back up with her race training, WW and blogging, which has set a fire under me. So today, Becca, I got Jullian's 30 Day Shred and I'm really wanting to get back out on the road, even if it's walking! So thank you for your inspiration! 

Sometimes, all it takes is to hear about someone else being human to make us want to be more human ourselves! 

Are you being inspired to be more human? To be more of what God is calling you to be? 

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