Saturday, December 15, 2012

Down Day!

This is the first day I haven't had to get out my notebook and see what I have to get done today, in about a month, if not 15 day's. 

The Parsonage Open House was last night and we lived through it. Not everyone came and that's ok, it would've been nice, but I get it. Momma kept telling me we had too much food...she was right! She's always right. I don't know what it is in me that feels like when I put out food, I have to have enough to feed an army or maybe The Army, but it's in me! Could not have done it without my folks helping to prepare and the church ladies cleaning up. I think my knees are still swollen!

This day, I have nothing on my agenda and while that scares me a little, I'm going to live into it! I have a ton of reading to do for class and I've started back playing my Sax, so I might do that too. Sometimes we just have to take a down day, and today is mine! 

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