Monday, March 19, 2012

Echo of Ashes

Preacher man made it down to South Texas late last night and they are well on their way into Mexico by now. Me and the herd... well... we're working on a plan, yeah that's it, a big plan! 

I planted basil and dill in pots this morning, in fact, I beat the rain that's moving in as I write. Putting them in pots will allow a fork lift to be placed under them so they can be transported to our next location. I also took the dogs for a short walk and I had a protein shake. Got my study done and had some really awesome God time so now I guess I have to get busy with something that needs to be done. Posting a blog!

I found this is a Joyce Rupp book that I have. I know we are already pass Ash Wednesday, but I felt the need to share this with you. For me, it draws me to a deeper place, a more mindful place. I hope it does the same for you.

The Echo of Ashes

"Remember you are dust 
and to dust you shall return."

the large brown bowl
rests on a purple cloth
its roundness holding ashes
freshly burned
black and ready for wearing.

blackened thumbs
press the ancient sign
upon the waiting foreheads.

I hear the message repeated
until it haunts and hunts me down:
remember, remember, remember
you are dust, dust, only dust
someday only dust will remain.

the echo of the Lent-stained ashes
speaks the truth of my humanity:
the humbleness of my beginning,
the simplicity of my departure.

A few wise words
echoing through Ash Wednesday
urge me to deeper things:
renewed dedication,
constant compassion,
and mindful awareness.

I leave marveling
at how simple and sublime
is this envelope of the soul,
which one day returns
to dust, dust, only dust.
~Joyce Rupp~  

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