Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yesterday I went to meet Pat at Roaring River State Park in MO! We make a point of getting together once a month now that we live close enough to do that and it takes about 45 minutes instead of 12 hours! Pat is one of the people in my life that I call a Soul Friend, someone who knows and cares about my soul. I only have a few of these kinds of people in my life, mainly cuz it takes time to build that kind of intimacy with someone and it's not something that you set up, it's a God thing! Pat and I have have taken numerous classes in seminary together, gone on retreats, prayed, cried and laughed for what seems a lifetime. It is always good to slow down and get real with someone who knows you. Yesterday was no exception.
One of the highlights of the day was when we stopped talking long enough to share a meal in the shade beside the river. We had visitors that numbered a total of 4 at one time. These beautiful little butterflies! When they opened their wings this bright blue was shared! They flew all around and found that I was a good place to land. Nice pedicure huh?
Butterflies have a way of reminding me of the Holy Spirit. They are light and flighty, going where the wind takes them but not really in all that big of a hurry. If you are still enough, the spirit will land on you and spend some time with you. If you pay attention this time of the year, you will see a lot of different butterflies dodging cars and birds. The beauty of a butterfly is to let is be what God called it to be and not to catch it. If you do grab hold, you will wipe some of the scales off it's wings and make it difficult to fly. The little ones aren't around for long, a week at most. The Monarchs can live up to nine months, but all things considered, they aren't around for very long. 
Butterfly in flight!
Seeing butterflies reminds me of not being able to control the Spirit. He goes where he pleases and does what the Father tells him to do. He came to us after Jesus left us, he is our helper! So today, spend sometime on the look out for butterflies. If you find one, stand still with your hands in front of you and see if he comes to land on you. Take a moment to watch how he goes where the wind takes me and pray it's not in front of a car.

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