Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Morning

I keep coming to the conclusion ever so often that Preacher man keeps getting smarter and smarter as we spend more time living as one! I keep myself so busy sometimes that I come to the point of exhaustion and I melt down into this ball right before your eyes. Preacher man has been around me long enough that he has a sense of when this is about to happen and does things to prevent it. Something that he did for me today is a lovely example of how he takes care of the caregiver. He made me stay at home this morning instead of going to church. I put up my normal blockage to his plan, who would pray over the church? Barb. Who would serve communion? He would. Who would, well, what else do I do? That's about it I guess. Oh, who would miss me not being there? Now that we will see when he get's home, but I'm going to bet a dime to a dollar (is that a lot or should I say more?) that no one will miss me. Now they miss me at work when I'm not around cuz they have either taken the time to get to know me or have been forced to work in close quarters with me. But church, not so much. 

This is a really strange time for both of us right now. We are leaders that aren't being allowed to lead, encouragers that aren't needed to encourage. Idea people, hard workers, problem solvers, healers and prayers and none of this is needed by this church. I struggle hard with the fact that I'm not needed or really wanted. This probably has a ton to do with why I'm doing everything else I'm doing right now. Preacher man knows this and takes steps to protect me and insure that I have enough juice to run for a little while longer. So he gave me this morning off. Now I still have to go in at 1:00 for our PRIDE training that will last until 7:00, I also have to fix a hash brown casserole for the potluck, but that's ok, I'm resting in order to be able to do that and get up in the morning and go for Master Gardener training. I am going to be so trained one of these days I might be able to do something important! 

But for today, I have been given time to color my hair and watch the birds at the feeders. I was able to spend some quality time with God and I hope to do some reading on that crazy book I need to write a report on. I encourage you to take sometime today to just sit and be. To be apart of the unhurriedness that we call life. I really have enjoyed this morning of not much and think I could get use to it, for a while anyway!

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