Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Paper #2 is printed and ready to be mailed to Dr. Fred today! I am glad to be done with that one and preparing to start the next one. I haven't received my first paper back, so I'm hoping I'm doing what he wants. 

Yazi the present!
I came home from Handbell practice last night and Preacher man had moved my desk, computer and printer into the bedroom. The view this morning is great, however being on the north side of the house makes for a cold place to sit and write. The Robin's are enjoy some water and the squirrels are jumping all over the place. I believe Earl and Pearl have a new side kick. I am so excited to be able to look out this window and check out the action. Oh my, I think that's a red headed wood pecker. I will need to check this out with mom and dad when they get here. I'm not sure who all I have back here but I mean to find out, then I will be able to make the backyard a place they want to hang out in.

Got a call from dad this morning, letting us know that their neighbors were getting rid of a bottom twin bunk bed, if we were interested! YES! Very interested! Knowing that we have sometime before we get kids, we'll go pick it up sometime between now and then. But my daddy already had it loaded into his Excursion. I was talking with Anne up at the Creek, about how we were going to just ask God for the furniture and not the church. We know He will provide for what He wants us to have. Anne smiled and said that God had already started bring the furniture, He would bring the rest to fit our need. I don't want to seem like I don't think the church would give us anything, I just know that sometimes they give what they don't want more than what is needed. So we need one more twin bed and them maybe three dressers and a desk with a chair. Maybe I need a bigger desk and I can let the kids use this one.

The back yard is a very busy place and I'm so happy to be sitting here watching it all. I already know what the problem is going to be, look bird!

1 comment:

dona said...

Wishing a merry Christmas to all my followers!